Updated Mon Dec 30 22:03:28 2002
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Matt J. Gumbley - http://www.gumbley.demon.co.uk
hForth for EPOC
Table Of Contents
1 Introduction
This project is an attempt to port a version of the Forth programming language
to the Symbian EPOC architecture.
The finished product will be released under the GNU General Public License. It
should run on all EPOC kit, although I'll only be able to test it on the Series
1.1 Project status
I have a code bundle available for you to look at; it doesn't build for EPOC
yet. See below to download it.
Today's problem is: getting macro expansion of 'hello, world',45,23 to
see three parameters, not four (it splits on commas, and sees the one in the
middle of the string as a delimiter. Not difficult to fix, but it's too late
I am starting from Neal Crook's StrongARM port of
hForth, and porting it to EPOC. This is written in MASM-style assembler, so I
have to do the following:
- Write a converter to change this to inline gcc assembler, as per the
Mixed Language Programming notes. This is
progressing nicely - I expect it'll take a while to get the code assembling
properly, especially since hForth makes extensive use of macros, and the version
of gas in the Symbian toolchain does not support them. however, macro processing
in perl is easy.
- Remove any hardware assumptions; the code assumes it'll be in complete
control of the hardware, with no OS. We have EPOC to contend with. Most of the
hardware-specific code has been removed, although I need to cross-check with the
8086 port of hForth (with which I am more familiar) to ensure I have the memory
map correct. I have removed some StrongARM-specific code: anything that deals
with the MMU and halfword load/store instructions.
- Debug the code conversion!
- Write interface code to EPOC: console and serial I/O are first. I already
have serial I/O code from the GDB Remote Debug Stub
project. Console code shouldn't be difficult, although again, hForth expects to
be in complete control of the hardware, and I need to interface it to EPOC,
which is probably synchronous in nature.
- Add an Object Oriented extension to hForth that'll be compatible with EPOC.
I know very little about OO in Forth, and haven't fully grokked
Symbian's OS and class hierarchy (OO itself is not a problem). I've got Dick
Pountain's book on OO in Forth, so when the time comes, I should be able to
overcome this.
- Allow programmers to write "proper" EPOC applications - this means
providing interfaces to the whole class hierarchy. This could be a large amount
of work - or it could be quite simple. I don't know just yet.
This could take some time! Watch this space....
1.2 Acknowledgements
I'd like to thank:
- Chris Jakeman, and the UK Forth Interest Group, for publicising
the SIBO version of this project
in Issue 101 of ForthWrite.
- The denizens of comp.lang.forth for advice on which Forth to choose.
- Leo Brodie, Alan Wakefield, Elizabeth Rather and Edward Conklin for the
books I've used for re-learning Forth.
- Dr. Wonyong Koh, for hForth.
- Neal Crook, for originally porting hForth to the StrongARM, thus saving me
a lot of work.
- ARM Ltd., for the ARM Architecture Reference Manual.
- Symbian Ltd., for the wise choice of GNU development tools.
1.3 Related Work
There is another project underway to build a metacompiler for EPOC. No details
available yet.
2 Download hForth
You may download it here.
(199082 bytes).
It isn't finished; it doesn't
fully build, but you can see my progress so far.
3 Building hForth
hForth builds in two stages:
- The assembler code is converted from MASM format to inline gcc assembler.
This uses a script, masm2gas.pl (provided).
- The C/C++ code is built using the usual Symbian tools.
Type 'nmake' to do the first stage, then 'nmake -f hfepoc.marm' to do the second.
Matt J. Gumbley - matt <at> gumbley <dot> demon <dot> co
<dot> uk