Happy Badger Linux

A Custom Linux Distribution based on Red Hat Linux 6.0

Another Linux Distribution?

Yes, another one. This one is a convenient re-distribution, rather than a new, ground-breaking one.

What You Get

"Unofficial" Red Hat Linux 6.0, plus all their latest updates, plus some packages I can't work without, that are not included in the standard distribution.

So what makes it special?

You just pop it in your drive, and install - you get all the updates, with no fuss. No messing about applying the updates one-by-one, it just goes on... and works.

Plus, I provide a Sparc distribution - this is not as easy to get hold of as the i386 distribution. Vendors usually charge more - I don't.


  • Red Hat 6.0 Installer - the original installer and boot disk set, not the "updated" ones (which I've never managed to get working - the modules on their updated boot disk images don't match version-wise with the ones on the second stage installer on the CD; updating the second stage installer and boot disks to the kernel they now ship with has proved to be impossible).
  • All their updates - as of 07/10/99
  • i386 and sparc architectures. SRPMS available given some notice. Sorry, no alpha, ppc, etc.
  • ddd, graphical "Data Display Debugger"
  • majordomo
  • Groovy CD label ;-) Ridiculous name...

Obtaining it

It's available only to people I know well enough - I'm not making a living out of this! (And I'm not spending all my evenings bruning CD-ROMs). If you can phone me at home, or collar me in the street, or at work, you obviously know me well enough for me to burn you a copy! Email from some far-flung corner of the world from someone I've never heard of, saying "Pliz send Happy Badger, it's cool, innit. Stavros, Greece. Pliz excooz my English." will go straight to /dev/null.

Friends and relatives get reduced rates :-)

If you can provide me with CD-R or CD-RW media, I'll burn one overnight for you (or on turnaround of post, if you pay p+p) - please supply your own jewel case, as I haven't any spares.

If you want a groovy label on top of that, the cost is One Pint ;-)

If you want me to supply the media, the cost is £5.

For me to supply labelled media, jewel case, p+p, the cost is £10.

These prices are subject to change: I haven't worked out how much it would cost me to do this properly.

Questions and Answers

Q. "£5 for a CD? Where's he getting his media from?"
A. An expensive shop; if I were doing this for a living, I'd get them pressed properly. No, I don't live near "Dodgy Eric's Blank CD-ROM Emporium".

Q. Do I get support?
A. Not from me. Try the rest of the community - the support you'll find there is far better than any commercial vendor is likely to give you.

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