
The Crypt of Old Software Projects
I've worked on lots of spare-time software projects, some of which progress
well, albeit slowly, some of which are merely experiments. Many of them don't
get finished, because I run out of interest for them, or time.
Rather than delete them, they go here, in the Crypt of Old Software Projects.
I don't usually go back to work on any of these, and may not answer much mail
about them. If you think one of these is suitable for awakening from its
decayed, zombie state, drop me a line. I may even answer.
Linux / UNIX projects
QtGantt, a project I took over after it had
stalled, stalled again due to lack of time to do it justice.
I believe that "MrProject" is a very capable open source project planning
Psion Projects
Lots of projects for the Psion Series 3 systems started, some even got 90%
finished, then died. Here they are.
The Overview document describes why they started.
Ah, such youthful enthusiasm to change the world, now sadly tempered by the
strains of modern living (and hatred of DOS-based development environments).
Alas, my magnum opus (or should that be magnificent octopus?):
PsiStack F.A.Q.
PsiStack Clients
Owner's Manual
Tech. Guide
SDK Reference
Mailing lists
Official pages
Woe, for another worthy project to be buried here is:
One from the "Anything you can do, I can do (but not necessarily better)"
A Spectrum Emulator for the Series 3. I can't release this because I'd infringe
the wishes of the original author of XZX. (You really wouldn't want to run this,
it's waaay too slow to be useful. But it proves the point.)
And all my other SIBO Stuff...
Email3, an Advanced Email Client for SIBO
Porting hForth to SIBO - which needed the console code
finishing, but I lost interest, but picked up a Series 5, so see the EPOC Version...
Linux on SIBO (inc. the possibilities of
writing a SIBO hardware emulator for Linux)
And some Linux stuff, related to the Psion...
linux-ncp - this started off as my own
PLP/NCP/RFSV stack, but then Philip Proudman released his plp, and Fritz Elfert
released his plptools, and so I've abandoned this project, and am now working on
extending plptools. The only part of my project I might have carried on with is
integrating the SIBO Link Protocols into the Linux Kernel...
(C) Matt J. Gumbley 1998-2019 - All Tights Reversed