
All this is old, old, old...
This project or information is dead. I cannot release any code or further
information on it, other than what you'll find on this page. All communication
regarding it will be silently deleted. Apologies.
The psion-java, psion-tcpip and psion-c Projects
These pages are Matt's own pages for these projects. They will hold his latest
documents and software development snapshots. They are not the definitive
project home pages. If you want these, they are available from
Dan Ramage's Home Page, as Dan is the official project web maintainer.
Hopefully, we'll come up with a catchy title to encompass the above
long-winded name!
Dan Ramage's official project home pages
Please feel free to join our
mailing lists!
Al Sutton's official project FTP repository
Matt Gumbley's own project pages
The Java Virtual Machine Specification
These projects are an attempt by Psion developers on the Internet to produce a
set of freeware development tools for the Psion Series 3 organisers. The
project started in January 1997 when Prof. Mike Pidd of Lancaster University
asked the
From: M.Pidd@lancaster.ac.uk (Michael Pidd)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.psion.programmer
Subject: Java on a Psion?
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 11:17:38 -0800
Organization: Lancaster University
Does anyone know if it would be possible to develop a version of Java for
the Psion 3x series? I certainly don't have the time or the ability to do
so, but I'd be interested to know if it's possible and if anyone is
trying. Presumably such a system could be a translator into some form of
byte code for the Psion if someone has developed a Java virtual machine
for Psion 3x machines?
Any views?
Mike Pidd
And so it started. Al Sutton kindly agreed
to set up a mailing list for the emerging 'psion-java' group.
The ball starts rolling...
We soon realised that we would need TCP/IP, to support Java's network
operations. The idea of a free port of Java and a free TCP/IP stack seemed
almost too good to be true. Psion market their own PsiMail Internet package,
but personally, after having had to pay 70 pounds for a serial cable, I wasn't
going to get ripped off by them again. Being a Linux devotee, and a hacker at
heart, I find there is a certain attractiveness in developing free software.
As Al Sutton noted:
From: Al Sutton
Newsgroups: comp.sys.psion.programmer
Subject: Re: Java on a Psion?
Organization: AlSutton.com
I'm willing to put up the mail aliases and web space if it would result
in a freeware TCP/IP stack. I think that considering there were mail
programs and HTML reader programs on the Psion before Psion decided to
get involved in those areas the least they could have done was make the
TCP/IP stack freeware as a guesture of good will to all the developers
who have been working on making the Psion a communications tool.
As it stands they have hedges their bets and will make sure they get
money from anyone who makes the Psion in to a Internet aware PDA.
I would eventually like to see a complete suite of freeware/shareware
internet applications for the Psion just to show Psion themselves that
there are other ways to sell things than the commercial method.
Any takers on the TCP/IP stack?
I don't have any development tools for the Psion - the professional
SIBO C SDK costs 351.33 pounds, and the standard version is 211.50 pounds.
That's just a little over my budget, since the Psion itself, PsiWin & cable,
leather case and power supply was a very expensive package.
NB: I have since given in, and purchased the documentation set.
So, yet another free software idea: a free C software development kit. The
psion-java and psion-tcpip packages would both run on the Psion themselves, but
the psion-c package would run on a PC, probably under Linux.
Not yet a member of the Psioneers Web Ring, but working on it!

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